Spy the Movie
Spy The Movie
Ben Curtis (the Dell Kid) as Jonathan
Vincent Pastore (the Sopranos) as Dante
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The Spy Production

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As we are now in pre-production, a crew is being assembled.

Abe Schrager   Director of Photography

Director of Photography, 10 feature films

2nd Unit DP, 9 feature films

DP, 23 short films

Camera Operator, 26 film and TV projects including Sex & the City, The Hurricane, Law & Order, the Siege, Dead Man Walking

Kevin Abdullah   Production Assistant, Staff Writer

Co-Producer/Director/Editor (w/brother Jason), Actor, Music Credits, Face the Grave, short film featured at Boston Centre of the Arts - www.facethegrave.com

Writer, Primer, feature film screenplay in development

Writer, Capable, novel in development

Writer, Exchange of Hearts, feature film screenplay in development Songwriter/lyricist, composed over (140) songs, (1) CD as yet unpublished

Musician, piano, keyboards, and drums

Spy The Movie

Ben Curtis
Ben Curtis

Vincent Pastore
Vincent Pastore

Spy The Movie
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Spy The Movie
Welcome to SPYtheMovie

Real Klymko

Spy The Movie

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