Spy the Movie
Spy The Movie
Ben Curtis (the Dell Kid) as Jonathan
Vincent Pastore (the Sopranos) as Dante
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The Spy Production

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Samantha Bilinkas   ("Heather")

Theater: (Equity) Night of the Hunter - Broadway Workshop. Numerous independent roles including;
Dorothy - Wizard of Oz, Alice - Alice in Wonderland

Music Video: (Independent) Playground Love: Air.

Acting training: Paper Mill Playhouse, Diane Hill Hardin, Acting Creatively with Kerry Lea

Vocal training: Candace Goetz - The Voice Studio, Bob Marks

Represented by Abrams Artists Agency (Ellen Gilbert for TV/Film/Theater and Bonnie Shumofsky for Commercials/Print)

We placed our first on-line, and print, casting call. Hundreds of resumes and head shots have been received. Auditions for cast members will be held soon.

Spy The Movie

Ben Curtis
Ben Curtis

Vincent Pastore
Vincent Pastore

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Spy The Movie

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