Spy the Movie
Spy The Movie
Ben Curtis (the Dell Kid) as Jonathan
Vincent Pastore (the Sopranos) as Dante
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James MacPherson   Executive Producer, Co-Director

Executive Producer, Director, feature film Prime Suspects. Distributed to seven countries; currently distributed by Spectrum Films.

Producer, Director, short film Burglarcard. Presented at Lincoln Center Film Festival and distributed to Showtime.

Producer, Director, EPA Emissions commercial. Placed on network TV.

Managing Director, financial product and services consulting firm.

Alex Klymko   Co-Producer/Co-Director

Director/Producer, A Killing, award winning feature film.

Director, The Lost Bonds, Who is Harry Walker?, and Looking Forward, short films aired nationally on HBO and cable.

Writer, Love and Desire, feature film screenplay in development.

Founder, HEAL Productions, serving such clients as HBO, The Harry Walker Agency, Hotskins, and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.

Jim Bonney   Associate Producer / Acting Coach

Founder/Owner: Jim Bonney Acting Studio (www.jimbonneyacting.com)

Artistic Director: Actors That Work Theatre Group

Co-Director/Co-Producer: extended run of original play written by Charles Messina--"The Battle"

Creator: Audio CD --how to get into the emotional life of a scene-- "Emotional Preparations for the Actor"

Spy The Movie

Ben Curtis
Ben Curtis

Vincent Pastore
Vincent Pastore

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Real Klymko

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