Spy the Movie
Spy The Movie
Ben Curtis (the Dell Kid) as Jonathan
Vincent Pastore (the Sopranos) as Dante
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Most recent auditions, 4-7PM on Wednesday, July 9th, by appointment only. Actors were asked to bring a signed copy of the Standard Release from this site, a head shot, and, if possible, Sides from this site.

Earlier auditions were held 4-7PM on Tuesday June 11th.

Previous auditions were held 7-10PM on Wednesday May 22nd.

Third auditions were held 4-8PM on Tuesday May 7th.

The actor-friendly Spy casting team held call backs for their upcoming feature film, Spy, on Monday, March 4, 2002 at Theatre 22 in Manhattan. The four hour long session saw some familiar faces from the first auditions as well as many new and talented actors.

First Auditions (see Casting) for all actors contacted, were held between 1 and 5 PM on Wednesday, January 16th, at Theatre 22 in NYC.
All actors were given a specific time period during which their audition is to take place.
Actors were able to review Sides on this site.
Actors were asked to download a Standard Release form from this site and bring a signed copy to the audition.

You will soon be able to click on a Character Name below and view auditions for that part. We hope to have some auditions encoded and posted here soon.

JONATHAN LOOKE An Internet and surveillance expert, 20's.
SUSAN LeCLAIR A mysterious young woman, 20's.
MIKE CHASE Jonathan's friend and business partner, 20's.
DANTE LeCLAIR Susan’s businessman father, 50's.
GUS SPANOS Owner of a surveillance company, 40's, who hires Jonathan to find Susan.
YVONNE HAYWORTH A 20's co-worker and friend of Susan's.
RUSSELL LeCLAIR Susan's underachieving brother, 30's.
BEATRICE An 11 year old girl.
TOMMY TOMASELLI An underworld figure, 50's.
JANET SPANOS Pretty, intelligent, vulnerable, 20's.
Spy The Movie

Ben Curtis
Ben Curtis

Vincent Pastore
Vincent Pastore

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Spy The Movie
Welcome to SPYtheMovie

Real Klymko

Spy The Movie

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