Spy the Movie
Spy The Movie
Ben Curtis (the Dell Kid) as Jonathan
Vincent Pastore (the Sopranos) as Dante
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SPY, "the first independent feature produced on the InternetSM" announces the start of pre-production" with co-producers/directors James MacPherson and Alex Klymko. This debut feature from the Internet production company ShootingDV.com marks a unique and groundbreaking convergence of the Internet and feature film production.

Through the use of a new budgetary concept, FilmSharesSM, the SPY production is able to recruit talented cast and crew members who become 'investors' and share in the film's revenues.

SPY, a psychological thriller, is being shot on digital video and 16mm film. It tells the story of a man who falls in love with a woman who he's paid to watch, and then tries to save her from a fate she does not want to flee.

What makes SPY unique is that its entire production can be seen on the Internet. Anyone can follow how SPY is budgeted, produced, directed, edited and marketed, in real time. Visitors can go behind the scenes, listen to interviews from the set, print out SPY's production forms and watch the cast and crew of SPY embark on this revolutionary filmmaking endeavor.

SPYtheMovie.com and ShootingDV.com. See the future of film in the making.

CONTACT: James MacPherson
PHONE: 212-508-4577
Spy The Movie

Ben Curtis
Ben Curtis

Vincent Pastore
Vincent Pastore

Spy The Movie
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Spy The Movie
Welcome to SPYtheMovie

Real Klymko

Spy The Movie

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