I Spy on Spy on 2/13/02
by Kevin Abdullah
It's on! Look!
Are you sure?
Yeah, 10th floor, the ringleader MacPherson's there.
Hey, and I see that zany fella Klymko. Look, he's already directing the bunch.
We have to find out what this group is up to. Zoom in quick and test the mike.
Nuts, it's cutting in and out.
Turn it up anyway.
What are they saying?
Shh, listen.
Let's try 2nd and 7th. There's land down there.
How 'bout we call Sydney first?
Who's Sydney?
Shh! I can't hear them.
We want some of that fruit from New Jersey. Can you hook us up for the 4th?
Great, the usual set up. The talent will be great again.
Write that down. March 4th. Sounds like some sort of kinky deal is going down.
Yeah, they keep referring to talent and rehearsals. Maybe it's a porno ring. Shoot, the mike's acting up again.
They're talking in code, they're on to us!
Wait! Relax, it's Klymko, he always talks like that.
Let's unleash Pete.
Hey, the new guy's called Pete. How does he fit in?
I don't know, it's cutting out again.
He can...mother...a bridge
Gives us one million dollars...high price for loyalty.
Oh my God, he's a mechanic!
He doesn't look the murdering type. That giant of a man looks fierce though. What's his name?
Something Abdullah. And that other shady guy is just called Zen.
Maybe they're terrorists!
No, we know it has something to do with the web and they keep mentioning Spying and a film.
Yeah, but who's this guy 'DV' that they want to keep shooting? I still think they're terrorists.
I don't know. That guy Scott looks more sophisticated than that and then there's that woman they got with them. Julia? Maybe she's their hostage.
No. She's definitely working for them.
Hold it, who's this guy with the orange scarf?
They call him Lynwood, I think he's like one of their bookies. They keep referring to his writing and we know he's got a partner named Charles.
This ring is getting bigger every month.
Look, Klymko's getting animated again.
6 of these Altoids, an RC cola, and a peppermint patty and I see God.
I got it. They're a religious cult.
No wait, what's MacPherson saying?
Klymko's certainly Mr. Oral, he has every condiment known to man for the mouth.
Yeah, but I don't kiss and tell.
They're back on the sex thing again.
You don't think Klymko and MacPherson are, uh...
No, but I don't know why Klymko keeps following that other guy Abe to the bathroom every session.
Yeah, and those two are always talking about photography and cameras.
Something's definitely up with them.
Hey, the party's breaking up. Let's move to stage 2.
Do you want to play it from a distance again?
No, let's pose as an Italian couple and try to get closer to MacPherson tonight.
He's bound to slip up and give us a lead.
Meet you at the post across the bar in 30 minutes.
Okay, they're wrapping up earlier tonight. Let's get into position and quick, here comes Mac.
Oh, no. He's got the mechanic and the giant with him.
Keep your cool. Give me the map.
Can we help you?
Um, uh, Oysters?
You want to eat somewhere.
Uh, restarante?
I think I know where you mean. Follow us.
Where are you from?
Oh, Italy.
Gee, I should've known the hit man could speak some Italian. Good thing you know some.
Keep your voice down. They might hear us. Just stay back and play dumb and keep your ears open. MacPherson is talking again.
We have a new ending planned, but this can't get out to anyone.
Oh my God, I think he's going to spill the beans.
What's he saying?
Shh! Red light. Just smile.
It's going to be fantastic, lots of action.
Yeah, we can't wait until it's finished.
Production starts this spring.
Try to get closer.
It'll look too obvious.
Get closer, but don't blow our cover!
Now that we're on the team, can you tell us the ending?
Well, maybe we should just let everyone watch Spy the Movie to find out.
Yes, movie. We've known about you two for quite a while now. Maybe you can be in it. Here's your restaurant.
You were spying on us?
And vice versa. Just goes to show, don't ever believe what you see. |