Spy the Movie - A film produce by ShootingDV
Spy the Movie
Spy The Movie
Ben Curtis (the Dell Kid) as Jonathan
Vincent Pastore (the Sopranos) as Dante
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Welcome to SPYtheMovie.com, a valuable resource for the indie filmmaking community, providing you with the stuff you need to know to make movies.

Watch us make the feature film SPY, your free "admission ticket" to a movie in the making



Genre: Romantic thriller.

Tagline: Ever get the feeling that someone is watching you?

Plot Outline: A man falls in love with a woman he is paid to watch and then tries to saves her from a fate which she cannot flee.

Director Team: Alex Klymko and James MacPherson

Producer: Elana Pianko

Writers: Charles Messina, Clyde Lynwood Sawyer, Frank Hickey

Filmmakers and filmgoers can follow how SPY is budgeted, produced, directed, edited, and marketed, all on-line. Watch, in real-time, as the SPY producers, directors, cast and crew embark on this revolutionary filmmaking endeavor...

At a production meeting
Spy Auditions Draw Crowd
Go Behind the Scenes of Spy and follow their production
FilmSharesSM: Changing the way films are made
Read a Synopsis of the SPY story and various Scenes
View the Production Resources section in ShootingDV.com
Check out the latest Buzz about Shooting DV and SPY

Other quick clicks:

On the Set @ SPYthemovie brings you News, Dailies and Video from the Set.
Behind the Scenes @ SPYthemovie has Auditions, Budget, Casting Calls, Equipment, Financing, Production Log, Production Schedule.
Spy The Movie

Ben Curtis
Ben Curtis

Vincent Pastore
Vincent Pastore

Spy The Movie
Welcome to ShootingDV

Spy The Movie
Welcome to SPYtheMovie

Real Klymko

Spy The Movie

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